Friday, January 23, 2009

Responce Homework

A New Found Sanctaury - Kaitlin Davoren
I think I have found my sanctuary
I see the ground covered in a heavenly blanket
I see animal tracks through the snow
I see the grey-blue sky reflecting on the water
I see the city far away on the other side of the water
I see the orange like sun trying to warm our weather

I smell the brisk morning air
I think I have found my sanctuary
I smell the distinct winter breeze
I smell the slight aroma of my perfume
I smell the birds’ unfortunate stench
I smell odour of pollution seeping into this beautiful place

I hear waves crashing into the shore
I hear the birds communicating with one another
I think I have found my sanctuary
I hear wind hit my jacket and any plant form still alive
I hear my teeth chattering from the cold
I hear the snow crunch beneath my boots

I taste the reminiscence of my gum
I taste my tongue, dry and craving water
I taste my lip chapI think I have found my sanctuary
I taste the fresh air as I inhale
I taste the used air as I exhale

I feel Jack Frost nipping at my extremities
I feel as though my body been refreshed
I feel my toes starting to numb
I feel alone but it comforts me
I think I have found my sanctuary
I feel overwhelmed by the sight of the seemingly endless water

This place is so new to me
It’s somewhere I can think
It’s somewhere I can understand
This place makes me feel as if nothing is wrong
My senses have all been heightened
I think I have found my sanctuary
Posted by Kaitlin

Kaitlin, I really liked your poem. The descriptions are very realistic. I really liked that you used all the five feelings in your poem, and your adjectives about those feelings are really reasonable, they help the readers feel the same way you felt outside. ” I see the city far away on the other side of the water”- I really liked this part. It shows people that you were isolated and that you felt the way of pure nature. “I think I have found my sanctuary”- I think that you found a perfect sentence to describe the feeling and the theme of the whole poem. I really liked your poem, and I loved the other ones. They are amazing, maybe you have a hidden talent at making up poems?

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