Friday, March 6, 2009

"Happy Ending"

The story of Margaret Atwood “Happy Ending” is a very ironic and witty story. While reading it, the reader realized that the author is a very smart woman who is not scared of satirizing other authors and their story lines. She shows the readers that in general, the plots of romantic fiction are pretty much all the same, romantic and non true. She is saying that the authors are sometimes too plot-driven. They forget about the characters and their development and focus on the plot, and the ends are always the same. Atwood says that it is only how we get to the ending part that differentiates the skills of authors-the end is always the same-they both die. The authors use different ways to get to that point but in the end it is all the same. Atwood isn’t even close to be sarcastic when she says “The only authentic ending is the one provided here: John and Mary die. John and Mary die. John and Mary die”, she is just being honest and says what others won’t say. Her story and her ending make people actually think about the common topics and same stories. It makes readers change their minds about something you wouldn’t usually think.

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